For those who missed it…

We have exciting news.  For those who missed the opening of .(In|Out)sider$ it is on display at Gallery B-66 on the BYU Campus, viewings are by appointment only.  To see the work contact Jerel or Inez at (646) 397-5385. Inez’s Show, The Fine Art of Tie Dye, has been extended through the month of May at the Utah […]

MFA Images are online.

Images from Jerel’s MFA Show .(In|Out)sider$ have been posted in the projects realized section of the website.  The evening was a complete success, the response from the attendee’s was great, there was between 100 – 200 people that came and saw the work. Here are a few to images wet your appetite & when you’ve finished […]

Jerel Harwood: Identity Crisis | Artists of Utah’s 15 Bytes

Ehren Clark: Art Critic for 15 Bytes Utah did a review of .(In|Out)sider$ Here is a short snippet of the review/interview: It is an amazing read.  Head on over to 15 Bytes to read the whole article. via Jerel Harwood: Identity Crisis | Artists of Utah’s 15 Bytes.

Important information regarding .(In|Out)sider$

Mark Your Calendars – February 21, 2014 – .(In|Out)sider$ – MFA Show

Grey Forest Studio, LLC. known for breaking the Guinness world record for longest tie-dye, now shifts from vibrant color to macabre elegance. A transition showing versatility in style without dismissing Grey Forest Studio’s flare for the dramatic; this show, “.(In|Out)sider$”, designed by Jerel Harwood contains sixteen, ¾ life-size figurative sculptures representative of ‘Gothic Couture’. Sculpted from […]

Cup Exchange | B-66

There are two things I want to announce. First some of the other 3-d students and I decided to start a group blog about life in building B-66.  You can follow the blog over at I have posted over on images and a video from the opening of our latest show: “Cup Exchange”. […]