London – Day 3

I spent the afternoon with Eric and Clara in London Proper.  I went to the Tate Museum of Modern Art and saw some beautiful work by some of the leading artists of the 20th century.  Though, and I know this is my personal beef, they only had one ceramic artwork on display and should have had so much more included in the show.  The 20th century is when the Ceramic Arts bloomed and truly came into its own.  Some of the artists I did see work by included Picasso, Chirico, Man Ray, Giocometti, Matisse, Kirchner, Kandinsky, Monet, and Pollock.  It was a refreshing experience to view all of this modern art, especially after having studied Ancient, Renaissance, and Baroque art for five weeks.   Studying the older artworks has helped to give me a greater appreciation for the modern works and to see what it was that affected them in their work.   I also snuck in some Il Gatto pictures when I got the chance.

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